Friday, January 16, 2015

Bone Broth Recipe

Here is our first blog post from Becca!  She has great recipes, ideas and an awesome educator.  Look out for her blog posts in the future!

Throughout the year, especially during these cold winter months, I often have a crock pot on my counter making broth.  It is such a nutritious food and has so many uses!  My family likes to drink it by the mug when we are sick, use it for soups the next day, and to freeze it for future use.  It is one of the easiest healthy foods that you can make for family-not to mention one of the cheapest.

Bone broth is rich in vitamins and minerals like magnesium, calcium, and many trace minerals.  If you are like me and need to avoid dairy, this is a great way to get your daily calcium!  Broth is also great for digestive ailments like ulcers, IBS, and leaky gut because of the great amount of gelatin that it contains. Most women will love hearing that cellulite is simply fat cells that lack collagen and broth contains a lot of collagen!  Below is the recipe that I use frequently.  You can easily get the bones at Whole Foods or any local Farmer's Market.  Just be sure that the bones you use are organic and preferably grassfed or pastured to ensure highest quality of nutrients:

2-3 pounds of Soup or Marrow Bones (your animal of choice)

2 TBS of Apple Cider Vinegar

2 tsp of Sea Salt

1 head of garlic peeled

5 Quarts of water (or enough to cover about an inch above the bones)

Put everything in your crock pot on high.  Once the water boils, drop the setting to low and cook for at least 12 hours.  You can go as long as 24 hours.  The longer you cook it, the more nutritious the stock.  Once it is done, let cool and then strain into a bowl.  We will leave some in the fridge to drink throughout the week and freeze the rest.  Ideally, your broth will take on a gelatinous form after being in the fridge.  Don't worry if you don't achieve this the first time, though, it took me a few tries.

If you have any questions regarding the recipe or how to get bones for the broth email

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