Monday, December 16, 2013

Emotional Healing with Flower Essences

At the office we have recently got in new products called Flower Essences.  They help people work through emotional healing.  Some times in the office we will hit a plateau... where no matter what nutritional approach we try nothing seems to work.  This is when I know there is an emotional block that is preventing my patient from moving forward and healing.  I do not deal with or ever claim to deal with breaking down emotional issues and finding deeper meanings.  That is not my place, not my job and I am not qualified to do that.  However I can test with these new Flower Essences to help break an emotional pattern that a person may or may not know they have. 

For example my Flower Essence was Be Responsible.  I literally said 'Really?!?!'  I am very responsible and it made no sense to me.  However Be Responsible is a suppressed fear formula (which once I started to think it made sense to me) and the other description was a self defeating behavior.  I am very hard on myself.  I create a large list of things to do each night (knowing  well I can't get everything done) and then beat myself up about it. I do this over and over and over.  So after reading, the description of Be Responsible sounded right.  Since taking it I truly have noticed a difference in my behavior.  I don't create these large lists and I am not nearly as hard on myself. I don't go to bed and think about all the things I didn't accomplish.  I can reflect and be thankful for what I have done.

I have been testing these on patients too.  I truly can not tell you how many times people laugh or give me a big smile when I show them the description of what they tested for.  (Descriptions below.) I don't really know what patients are going through emotionally or what their suppressed emotions may be.  It could be fear, it could be anger, or it could be grief.  Its fun to test and actually see if it matches up to what they are or may be going through.  I have had so many success stories with these and helped people make emotional breakthroughs and changes in their thought process. 

Flower Essences are made by Nature Sunshine with Bach Flowers.  Bach Flowers help to heal the connection between the body and mind and get rid of negative emotions that we dwell on... consciously or unconsciously.  Mine was unconscious and didn't become conscious until I started taking it.  The one interesting thing with the Flower Essences is that you can think of it as detoxing your nervous system or emotions.  When I first took mine I was shaking that night.  Not terrible but kind of like when you are sick and have cold chills.  I felt fine but I kept shaking.  I asked Lori if she felt sick and she was not, so I knew it had to be the Flower Essence.  I just had one day of that 'detox' and I have been good ever since.  Some people notice more emotional 'releases' or feel more frustrated or emotional the first day or 2 and then it lets up.  It is no different than a good cleanse for you body when you have detox symptoms the first couple days.  That means you are really getting rid of toxins (or in the case of Flower Essences, bad or negative emotions). 

Read the descriptions below and see if one sounds more like you or not!  Some people test for more than one, but I only have a patient do one at a time.  If you want to get tested at the office to make sure you take the right one let me know and Ill be glad to test you!  If you have any questions please feel free to email!

Take as directed.  They look and taste like water!

Distress Remedy
Supports emotional balance.
May assist the body with occasional emotional distress and emotional balance.

Release It (Vented Grief Formula)
May assist the body with the grieving process.
May help in letting go of the past.
May assist with emotional distress.

Be Courageous (Vented Fear Formula)
May assist with courage and self confidence.
May help with indecisiveness, uncertainty and nervous tension.

Keep Cool (Vented Anger Formula)
May assist the body with feelings of anger and irritability.
May also assist with empathy and communication

Find Strength (Suppressed Anger Formula)
May assist with feelings of unworthiness.
May help the body with emotional strength and help deal with occasional emotional stress.

Open Heart (Suppressed Grief Formula)
May assist with the ability to love.
May help release suppressed emotion.
May help increase empathy and compassion.

Be Response-Able (Suppressed Fear Formula)
May assist the body with promoting self honesty.
May help encourage self-responsibility.
May help with self-defeating behavior.

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