Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thankful Part 4

(These are really late... I know.)

Nov 21st
A product that many people are thankful for at the office is one called VS-C by Nature Sunshine.  This is an amazing antiviral specifically for cold sores, canker sores and herpes.  It is effective against Mono and amazing to prevent and use during a shingles out break.  It can be taken at high doses during a flare up of any of the conditions listed above.  No need to go get different medicines, topical cream or a preventative shingles vaccines (full of neurotoxins)... VS-C is so strong and does the trick! (They make it in liquid form too!)

Nov 22nd
FemCo is another amazing product by Mediherb (Standard Process's herbal line).  I have had much success personally with it as well as many of my patients.  There are different herbs in there that create a balancing act between the endocrine (hormone producing) system as well as one that works to make sure the liver is detoxing like it should.  If the liver isn't filtering or working properly, hormones get backed up and create a whole host of problems from there.  It helps tremendously to lighten heavy cycles and even regulate cycles in those that come and go when they please.  FemCo is a great product and in my personal daily supplement routine!

Nov 23rd
Gallbladder Formula... this is one many patients this past month or 2 are verrrrrrry thankful for.  If you are prone to have gallbladder attacks or gallstones this is an AMAZING product to help the gallbladder function properly and even break down stones.  I wish I could just sit outside of the ER and pass this out to any gallbladder cases and have them try it for 3 days before they go get their gallbladder removed... eek! So so so so many gallbladders can be saved by this product.  During an attack you can dose up on it and if you are prone to gallstones or attacks you can always take a maintenance dose.  Please if you are a patient or not (or know someone) who has these issues I beg you to take this first before going under the knife.  The gallbladder serves a purpose and getting it removed happens all to frequently when there are natural things that can help!  This formula has saved a lot of people during the holidays after they eat those high fat and sugary meals.  :) If you notice a fullness or sharp pain on your right side under your rib cage or slightly below get on this... it works!

Nov 24th
Another personal favorite and one that has helped me a lot is Fen-Cho (sounds a lot like FemCo) by Standard Process.  This is used to improve digestion and can also be used as a mild laxative.  I found that when I take 2 or more a day my digestion is great.  Fen-Cho is made up of bile salts, fenugreek, okra and collinsonia which all help promote healthy digestion and bowel movements.  It's something that can be used everyday without any harm or fear that you will always need it or can be used in larger quantities on an as need basis.  Its really cheap and truly helps get the junk out of you :)

Nov 25th
At the office we have just introduced something by Nature Sunshine called Flower Essences!  Emotional blocks are something that can really hinder a person from healing.  It can be grief, anger, resentment, past frustration or any other emotion that can truly hold a person back from getting better.  I see this from time to time when we are doing everything right nutritionally but the patient is not seeing any improvement.  This is when I know emotions and an emotional block come in to play.  I am not a counselor and never claim or want to be.  This is not where my training is but there are something called Bach Flowers that help people break through emotional challenges.  These are especially important and helpful in those who can't let go of or break through a certain emotion.  We have been using them on patients and had fantastic results.  The different ones they have are
  • Keep Cool- a vented anger formula
  • Find Strength- a suppressed anger formula
  • Be Courageous- a vented fear formula
  • Be ResponseAble- a suppressed fear formula
  • Distress Remedy
  • Release It- a vented grief formula
  • Open Heart- a suppressed grief formula

My handsome model woke up from a nap to display Be Response-Able

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