Monday, May 11, 2015

Everyone loves JELLO!

I work hard to make sure our little guy (15 months) gets fresh, nutritious food at every meal. Unfortunately, that means I have to prepare all his meals for daycare and forego the provided meals. Sadly, the food that is provided does not match our family’s beliefs about healthy and nutritious food, but that is a whole different blog post that could get pretty long.

In his new classroom the kids sit down together at a table and eat every meal. By doing this they learn great social skills and develop skills to eat with utensils-all very important. This also means, though, that my little guy has become acutely aware even at his small age that he is eating different foods than his little friends. How do I compete with veggie pizza for lunch or breadsticks and marinara for afternoon snack? For snack, I have found a consistent winner-Jello! Not the artificially colored and flavored stuff, but incredibly easy and healthy homemade Jello. It takes maybe 10 minutes to put together and then you put it in the fridge. I just scoop from the bowl each night when putting his food together for the next day and he has a fun snack that is also nutritious. Orange has been his favorite flavor lately.

3 cups of juice (I have been juicing the fruits, but you can buy store bought as long as it is 100% juice with no additives. Whole Foods has a decent selection.)
½ cup cool water
½ cup hot water
2 TBS gelatin (I have used Great Lakes and Vital Proteins grass fed gelatin for the added health benefit)

It really doesn’t get much easier than this!
  1. Pour your cool water into a small bowl and stir in the gelatin powder until thoroughly mixed.
  2. Add the hot water and stir
  3. Mix this into a larger bowl with the fruit juice and stir.
  4. I usually leave this in a bowl and put into the fridge overnight to solidify, but you can also put into a 9x13 baking dish for smaller squares or even to cut into fun shapes!
  5. Let sit in the fridge for at least 3 hours and ENJOY!

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below

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