Friday, May 1, 2015

Hit at Wall between 1 and 3pm?

Do you hit a wall between 1 and 3 pm?  Most people feel like they either need a nap, something sugary or caffeine.  If you are one of those people continue reading...

When you hit this wall or feel like you need sugary foods or caffeine in these hours it means your adrenal glands are tired.  These glands are considered your 'stress glands.'  They pump out hormones to keep you going day in and day out.  They fire up with both good and bad stress and each time there is a stressor it is like asking them to run a marathon.  Then another stressor comes and they have to run again.  And another and another.  If you really had to do this you eventually couldn't go anymore... and eventually they get so tired that they are barely running.  (And how you know they are just getting by is when you hit that wall between 1 and 3 pm AND/OR when someone gives you one more thing to do you want to cry, run away or yell.  That is stereotypical adrenal exhaustion symptoms- AKA most people in America.)

What can you do? 
Try to avoid stress! Ha! That is what most people say but how realistic is it?  Likely not very realistic but you can choose to minimize it.  Do not say yes to everything and everyone- you will wear yourself down.  On to other ideas :)

-Eat an avocado a day (great hormones and fuel for the adrenals)
-If you hit a dip in the afternoon drink hot tea with 1 tbs of coconut oil (keeps your blood sugar levels stable and doesn't spike them which stresses the adrenal glands even more)
-Keep your protein intake up (Make sure to get 30 grams of protein in for breakfast.  I do through a smoothie or eat turkey, chicken sausage, etc. with eggs for breakfast).  You want to have a protein source at each meal.
-Snack on nuts and seeds
-If you are craving sugar- eat some protein first and wait 15 minutes before indulging.  If you have to indulge try natural sugars like honey and maple syrup (but in moderation).

Great supplements we commonly use in the office. (These are just a few of the many many ones we use.  The adrenal glands are part of the endocrine system- so we have to look at everything and not just single out the adrenals!)
  • Adrenal Support by Nature Sunshine
    • Great to take a bottle when big stressors come up or life throws you a curve ball
  • Nervous Fatigue TCM by Nature Sunshine
    • Great for maintenance and protection of the adrenals
  • Mineral Chi Tonic by Nature Sunshine
    • Minerals are fuel for adrenals and this also has other great herbs for them too.  Its is a liquid which is easy to mix or take straight (not the best tasting thing but you can do it :))
  • Adrenal Desiccated by Standard Process
    • For very severe cases
  • Drenamin by Standard Process
    • Whole food based supplement for the adrenals
  • Min Tran by Standard Process
    • Relaxing minerals to relax the body and adrenals
Again there are SO SO many other supplements we use but this is just a quick overview.  If the symptoms above sound like you... give us a call and we can help out.  You don't have to live run down or in a constant state of feeling overwhelmed. 

For order instructions on Nature Sunshine click here and for Standard Process visit the office or call 615-656-3558.

This is after one of his long, hard days at the office.  It is hard life getting belly rubs all day. 

1 comment:

  1. 3 Studies SHOW How Coconut Oil Kills Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you actually get rid of fat by consuming Coconut Fat (in addition to coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from big medical magazines are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world around!
