Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chemicals in your body... where do they come from?

At the office patients get tested for 'internal' stressors (aka immune challenges).  These are things that should normally be eliminated or killed off by your immune system but for one reason or another linger around.  The different things tested for (painlessly, quickly, and easily) are heavy metals, chemicals, bacterias, viruses, parasites and candida.  If you show up with any one of those listed it can cause basically any type of sign or symptom... such as (but not limited to) fatigue, mental sluggishness, hives, asthma, acne, diarrhea or constipation, aches, pains, gas/bloating, headaches, weight gain/loss, styes, anxiety, depression, overall joints aches and pains, and the list goes on and on...  It seems to simple right?  Many times in our society we try to over complicate things when the answer isn't really that hard.  Get rid of (detox out) the bad stuff and nourish your body with good things. 

With this being said- why are things not getting eliminated like they should?  One of the reasons (mainly for heavy metals and chemicals) is that our liver gets sluggish, tired and backed up... why?  There are many reasons but I will touch on one. 

The liver is our main detox center.  We are constantly being exposed to different chemicals on a daily basis.  Think of the air we breath in, lotions you put on, water you drink (fluoride, chlorine and other junk in it), fragrances you constantly breath in, put in your body or wash clothes with, plastics you store food in, cookware you use, cleaners you use at home, all the medications (prescription and non prescription) people put into their body, etc.  This is not intended to scare you but instead make you think.  Try changing just one thing, getting rid of one chemical or heavy metal (aluminum in deodorant) in your daily routine or home.  Once you have done than move to another and then another.  Baby steps in the right direction. 

I want to leave you with some of the chemicals tested for in the office... 
-Chlorine (really important to get a water filter to remove both chlorine and fluorine... more info to come)
-Dry cleaning chemicals
-Food colors (Look at your labels!)
-Fragrances (Think of everything this is in... soaps, lotions, shampoo, conditioner, air fresheners, makeup, cleaners, detergent, fabric softener, perfume, etc.  Think of what sits at the base of the neck where people spray perfume.  The thyroid!! Everything you put on your body gets absorbed. Use essential oils instead which are not toxic to the liver!)
-Medications (prescription and non prescription)
-Plastics (Try to store and keep everything in glass... especially leftovers.  Get a glass water bottle and reuse instead of buying bottled water.  Go to TJ Maxx or Costco and get glass Pyrex containers to store food in for cheaper.)
-Preservatives (Really read your labels... the most common are nitrites/ates, sufites/ates) 

Other chemicals are tested for in the office but those are the main ones. Yes we can get rid of many but clearly we can't get rid of them all in our environment.  However by consciously removing them from your home and diet it will help your liver work better to detox the ones we can't remove.  More info to come on water filters and great beauty products!  If you need a good deodorant recipe click the link -

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