Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Product #2- Mineral Chi Tonic

Product #2- Mineral Chi Tonic
Even though it may sound like a weird name it has powerful effects in increasing people's energy and supports your adrenal ('stress gland' of the body) function.  Mineral Chi is something that I specifically use to boost adrenal gland function, put people on with high stress or are feeling run down, or those who just want a boost of energy!  It helps to bring balance and energy physically, mentally and emotionally.  The minerals and the herbs in the tonic are all focused on giving nourishment to your adrenal glands. 

It is a liquid (not the best tasting stuff... but worth it!) and needs to stay in the fridge.  You can 1 TBS two times a day (you can mix in water or smoothie if you would like... I just take a sip and the taste isn't so bad after you get used to it).

Here is the description by Nature Sunshine
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the human body is a vast electrical energy system consisting of 12 two-sided meridians (energy channels) with more than 800 switches or acupuncture points. Chinese medicine teaches that when the energy meridians are in balance, the body will maintain itself. Tonic herbs balance the meridians and nourish the adrenal glands—the major managers of the energy that powers the “electric” human body.

This product contains renowned Chinese tonic herbs used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Gynostemma feeds the adrenal glands. Lycii and schizandra berries balance the 12 meridians and energize the five constitutional types. Eleuthero root is an adrenal tonic that acts as an energizer. Astragalus root builds the immune system and energizes. Licorice root is an adrenal/pituitary tonic. Reishi mushroom supports the body when under stress and boosts immunity. Ginkgo builds mental energy, alertness, clarity and focus.

Product Number: 1818-3

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