Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reframing Your Critic

Its funny to me how people think everything in your body is isolated.  That when the thyroid doesn't work like it should there is only something wrong with the thyroid.  Wrong!  The thyroid affects so many areas in your body (especially like the ovaries- hormones, adrenal glands- stress & energy, heart- especially heart rate, etc).  So just saying you have a thyroid issue does not mean its just the thyroid- it means everything that signals to the thyroid and everything the thyroid sends signals to is affected AS WELL!!!  (I have a point I promise.)  Just like every organ affects many other areas in your body so do thoughts and emotions.  If you constantly beat yourself up or have negative thoughts or perceived outcomes your body internalizes that which makes for a nearly impossible physical change for whatever ailment you have.
With all that being said there is a amazing group being held by someone I dearly trust... Laura Ramey, LMFT.  I never dive into emotional healing (NOT my job!) but always want to have an outlet or safe place for patients to go, learn and heal.  This is a perfect place.  Read below for information on a group she is holding about being 'Your Inner Critic'.  Most of us could all learn a little bit in this department (including myself).  Read more and if you have questions feel free to ask me or email Laura.  It is incredibly hard to fix the physical issues without addressing the emotional issues going on and this is a perfect place to start or add to getting your body emotionally and physically healthier!
Reframing Your Critic
Are you often hard on yourself or tell yourself negative things throughout the day? If you struggle with inner critic messages, this group may be for you! Participants will learn: where these messages come from, how to heal and release the wounds, and reframe the critic into a more positive role in your life! Check out the blog post for more information and group details.
And if there's anything you would want to add regarding your thoughts on the impact of the inner critic on your physical health, please do!
For more information please visit  You can also visit Laura Ramey's website at 

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