Monday, August 24, 2015

Laundry Detergent Recipe

It was time for me to make a new batch of laundry detergent!  This recipe lasted us (2 people) over 6 months!  It's inexpensive, easy to make and free of added toxins (and fragrances)!  I have attached a link to the recipe below.


Fabric Softener
Good ol' plain vinegar

For added whitening or extra dirty clothes
Add in 1/2 to 1 cup baking soda to wash

Things I learned this time around.  
First- I just used a hand grater for the Bronner's soap (not pictured below).  Last time I tried it in my food processor like some people suggested and it didn't go very well.  This time I just sat in front of the TV and mindlessly grated my soap.  

Second- Instead of pouring in full containers of all my ingredients, I added half of each one to my glass jar and then mixed it (ex: half of the box of borax, one small box of baking soda, half the box of super washing soap, etc.).  Once that was blended I added the rest of the boxes & soap and mixed it again.  It just made it a lot easier for mixing purposes because last time I added in full boxes and didn't have a lot of wiggle room to mix everything up.

Third-  Mix everything together with your hands versus a wooden spoon (like I did last time).  That made a big difference and got everything blended together nicely! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Milkshake Recipe to Help Increase Your Supply while Nursing!

Like many women, I spent my whole pregnancy planning out what I would do as soon as our little guy got here.  For me, breastfeeding was a given.  It is the most natural and nutrient-rich food you can offer your child-sign me up!  I foolishly read articles and books on many topics….except nursing.  I figured it was natural, so everything would fall into place and we will both just know what to do and how to do it, right?

I was so very wrong.  From the very beginning I struggled with my supply, with his latch, with how much food I should be eating, his food intolerances in combination with my food intolerances, and terrible pain each time he nursed.  This all made nursing a big struggle physically, mentally, and emotionally.  This was supposed to be natural, why couldn’t I get it together and feed him?!  I finally stopped feeling bad for myself and started reading articles, called a lactation consultant, had Dr. Maxfield test me, and tried every suggestion my nursing friends offered.  I also put my nutritional therapy knowledge to good work and focused on foods that would help increase supply naturally.

One word you may be familiar with is Galactogogues.  These are substances that promote lactation in animals and humans. There are many foods that claim to be in this category.  Some seem to work for women, while other foods work much better for other women.  The most common of these are oatmeal, fennel, fenugreek, brewer’s yeast, and the ever-popular lactation cookies. Oatmeal was my go-to.  It worked wonderfully for me.  The only problem was that I soon realized a pattern between loading up on oatmeal and clogged milk ducts.  The oatmeal helped, but almost too effectively. 

The problem with many galactogogues is that they don’t address the underlying issues keeping you form producing enough milk in the first place.  There are many reasons ranging from calories and iron levels, to a slow pituitary, which can play a role in decreasing supply.  The best course of action is to not only try eating different galactogogue foods to increase your supply, but to also work with a qualified practitioner to find and address the cause. Simply eating more food and drinking more water everyday can be a very quick fix to the problem or you may need to give your body a little more support.

If you are looking for a healthy snack to offer plenty of good fats and calories, here is my favorite homemade shake.  I would often make this as a dessert in the evening while pregnant to make sure I didn’t wake up throughout the night hungry.  It proved to be helpful even after delivery for the same reason and for increasing calorie consumption.  If you have exhausted your options and still can’t increase supply, call our office to set up an appointment!  You can also call our office if you are in need of a local lactation consultant referral.

Chocolate Coconut Milk Shake (Serves 2)
1 Can full fat coconut milk
1 banana
½ avocado
2 tablespoons nut butter (almond or peanut butter were my favorite)
1 tablespoon maple syrup
¼ cup cocoa powder (Optional: 1 scoop of high quality protein powder)
Handful of pecans

Place all but the pecans into a blender.  Blend on high until combine, but don’t let the ice melt.  You may need to add more ice to get the shake cold enough.  Once blended, pour into two large cups and sprinkle with pecans.

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Homemade Gatorade Alternative

School is starting and that means so are sports practices. Fall football is one of my most favorite times of the year.  That said, the nutrition nerd in me can’t help but cringe every time I see an athlete reach for the neon green or yellow Gatorade that is ever-so-popular.  Sure, it tastes great, but how great is it, actually, for you?

The earliest versions of Gatorade consisted of a mixture of water, sodium, sugar, potassium, phosphate and lemon juice.  All relatively decent forms of electrolytes.  In 2010, however, the original Gatorade was re-branded as “Gatorade G”.  G2 contains a whopping 18 grams of sugar per 32-oz bottle.  It may claim to be “low calorie”, but as you have probably heard Dr. Maxfield and I mention, calories are not the most important factor in determining if a food or drink is healthy for you.  While 18 grams of sugar is definitely less than in an equal amount of soda, it is still more than half of the recommended daily allowance of added sugars for a male (37.5g) and more than the RDA for kids (16g).  All of this is reason enough to search for a healthier alternative and we haven’t even touched on the food colorings, additional artificial sweeteners, and chemicals that are also found in the drink.

While in school, we learned a great Gatorade alternative and it has become a favorite of mine and my husband’s.  It may not be bright blue or as yellow as the sun, but it tastes great, is full of electrolytes, and has NO added sugars!  Feel free to play with the flavors a bit and have fun with it!  Enjoy!

Gatorade Alternative
1 quart of filtered water
3 Tbs high quality fruit concentrate (we like the pomegranate flavor from Whole Foods)
2 tsp high quality powdered electrolytes or 1 tsp sea salt
2 tsp D-Ribose powder
  • This will add a touch of sweetness, but most importantly, it is key to the body’s energy making process and so it helps to restore energy to the heart and muscles

 Mix altogether in your pitcher/container and refrigerate!

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below
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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Chocolate Raspberry Treat made with Coconut Oil

Are you in the mood for a chocolate treat & want to eat some AMAZING coconut oil in the process?  Try the recipe below!
  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup cocoa (Or even better cacao)
  • 2 TBS honey (Or sweetener of choice.  I personally love honey the best but another favorite is coconut palm sugar or pure maple syrup.  For those on candida clear use xylitol.)
  • Optional: A couple handfuls of raspberries (This really should be mandatory because it tasted so good.)
Mix everything together.  You can leave the raspberries in whole or mash them up like I did so they blend in better.

Put your mixture in the freezer for about 3 to 5 minutes for a fudge like texture or 10 to 15 minutes for a hard chocolate bar like texture.  (NOTE: Coconut oil changes from a solid state to liquid around 76 degrees.  To make it liquid you can warm it up or it may already be in that form like mine because my house is much warmer in the summer.  You can also make it really solid by putting it in the freezer for 15 minutes or more.  You get the 'softened' texture by not leaving it in the freezer to completely harden up.)

Tips: It's not easy to eat out of a bowl when you keep it in the freezer for 15 minutes but best when it has only been in there for 5 minutes or so.  You can also make this mixture and put in a muffin tins with liners.  Then when it freezes it is in a nice single serving formation and easy to eat!  Enjoy!

Before I wrote this post
Mixed up the coconut oil, cocoa & honey

Added in the raspberries and mashed them up

It was gone before I even finished typing this post!  
And guess what?  I don't even feel bad about it.

For the original post I made on it click here.