Thursday, December 17, 2015

Office Special and Package Visits for 2016

Christmas Special and Savings at MTCAM!!
Offer Ends December 31, 2015
With Christmas right around the corner there is truly no better gift than the gift of health.  We want to help you and your loved ones have a healthy 2016 and are extending an offer available for purchase in the month of December ONLY.     

Nutrition OR Chiropractic Visits
9 Visits at $60 Each = $540 (Save $45)
12 Visits at $55 Each = $660 (Save $110)

(Can be purchased with HSA)

There is no better investment than your own health.  We wish insurance would cover nutrition visits (its true HEALTH care right?!) but unfortunately they do not.  So for the year 2016 we want to extend the offer above to help you save a little money and help you get/stay healthy for next year!  It is not an overnight process and takes more monitoring and time in the beginning but it pays off!!

We hope you have had a healthy and prosperous 2015!  If not, don’t wait to make a change… we can help! For those of you who have… it is crucial to stay on the right track and you owe it to yourself to stay healthy!  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  Ben Franklin

If you have any questions and would like to purchase a package please call the office at 615-656-3558 or stop in!

All visits must be used by the end of 2016.  Nutrition visits OR chiropractic care.  Cannot be used on new patient exam or report of findings (1st & 2nd visit).  Each package can be used on one person only and nontransferable.  No monthly specials can be used in conjunction with this offer

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

SIMPLE Carrot Fries

This is a very simple and tasty recipe that is a great alternative to fries.  All you need is carrots, coconut oil  and some seasonings of your choice!  

Peel your carrots and cut into 3 or so inch pieces.  Then cut in 1/2 lengthwise then in 1/2 lengthwise again to get the width of fries.  Lightly rub coconut oil on the carrot sticks and grease a baking pan with it.  Season the carrots with sea salt and pepper and cook for 20 minutes on 400 degrees.  

That's it!  They are very tasty and have a hint of sweetness to them.  Enjoy! 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Paleo Banana Bread Recipe

Last night we made some amazing Paleo banana bread courtesy of Becca's recipe finding.  It was super easy to make and very very tasty!  Plus it has no added sugar or sweeteners which I consider to be a win! 

From Civilized Caveman Cooking
  • 4 bananas, (2 1/2 cups mashed)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/2 cup almond butter 
  • 4 tablespoons grass-fed butter, melted (or coconut oil)
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour (or almond flour)
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • pinch of sea salt
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  2. Combine your bananas, eggs, and nut butter, and butter/coconut oil in a blenderfood processor, or mixing bowl and mix well (if using a mixing bowl you need a good hand-mixer)
  3. Once all of your ingredients are blended, add in your coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, vanilla, and sea salt and mix well
  4. Pour your batter in a well greased (use coconut oil) loaf pan
  5. Place in your preheated oven and bake for 55-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean
  6. Remove from oven, let cool and then slice and serve!!

Mine was a little crumbly but I didn't cook it long enough which is probably why.  It is super easy to make and I would highly suggest this recipe to anyone! 

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Take Note: Anyone with Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibriods

Anyone with endometriosis, PCOS and really any female issue- take note.  This may seem like a strange topic but I believe it is a very important one that many women do not think about… tampons.  

The popular brands out there use chlorine and bleached cotton (that has pesticides on it)- which may not seem like a big deal however if you were to swallow anything that was bleached you would think twice about it.  Now most people don’t think twice about putting in a tampon with bleached cotton that has been treated with pesticides.  There are so so many cases of fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, etc. and I can’t help but think they are aggravated by putting this nasty toxin right where many of the issues lie.  If you put a chemical in a place long enough it will likely irritate (or I believe cause more issues) the surrounding tissue.  This is especially important in anyone with female concerns/issues but I really do believe ALL females should think about this. 

What can you do about it?  Get all natural tampons- ones that are not bleached.  (And yes there are people out there that say you shouldn’t use them at.  I know I should probably be more on board with that but it isn't realistic for me.)

Anyways- go to Whole Foods or any natural store and get their tampons.  I get all of mine through an online store called Thrive Market because they are cheaper and I buy them in bulk maybe 2 times per year.  It’s funny to see my husband open up the box! :)  The ones I usually buy are made by Natracare (and double check to see if they have an applicator- the 20/box does NOT and the 16/box does).  I know they cost more but I personally feel it is 100% worth it as someone who suffered with endometriosis and ovarian cysts. 

Help your body out &  go get rid of those cotton things full of chlorine, bleach and pesticides!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Plantain Pancakes- Easy and Tasty!

Sunday mornings mean big breakfasts in our house.  Since going gluten free and then grain free, I have searched for a decent pancake or waffle recipe.  Some recipes were absolute flops-no pun intended- and others were pretty good.  It wasn't until I found this original recipe on one of my favorite blogs that I finally found a permanent replacement.  This recipe is completely whole foods, no grains, no dairy, no gluten!  Best yet, it is kid approved and delicious!   Since Emery started school in August, I have been making 2 batches each Sunday.  One for breakfast and the other to freeze and send to school each day as a snack.  He loves them!  Use with your favorite Grade B pure maple syrup and enjoy!

  • 2 large green plantains
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 Tbsp Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp of cinnamon
  • Any other fun add-ins (blueberries, chocolate chips, pecans)
  • Extra coconut oil for frying
  1. The green plantains are pretty hard to peel.  I have found it is easiest to cut each plantain into a few pieces and then gently slice through the peel.  Place the peeled plantains and the eggs into your food processor or Vitamix.  Blend to form a smooth batter.
  2. Add everything else to the food processor and mix for another 30 seconds
  3. Lightly oil your pan and pour batter for your waffle or pancake
  4. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes or until the sides are starting to starting to brown and firm up.
  5. Flip!  And cook on the second side for 1½-2minutes.
  6. Repeat with remaining batter, adding a little more coconut oil to your pan as needed.
Recipe adapted from the original recipe found at

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Allergy Season and Supplements

With allergy season starting up (and in some people full force) here are our best sellers to help you with allergies.  

NOTE:  If you suffer from allergies this means your body is not ELIMINATING out histamines properly.  The supplements below work on the histamines (allergens) but the REAL reason you are suffering is that your filters are pretty clogged up (aka liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, etc).  Working on cleaning up the filters will help you minimize allergies for the long haul versus having to take allergy supplements/medications for the rest of your life.  Yes even people we have been working with for awhile still have to take allergy supplements but in 95% of the them their allergies are greatly reduced from when they first started. 

Allerplex (SP)- Great for seasonal allergies and drying up mucous.

ALJ (NS)- Great for seasonal allergies and clearing up mucous.  Great for people with pressure in their ears from allergies.   More of an herbal blend than Allerplex.

Histablock (NS)- Does literally what is says… blocks the histamines.  Great for people with allergies but also who suffer with general allergies all year round to pollen, dander, dust, etc. 

Antronex (SP)- A sinus drainage product.  If mucous is stuck and cannot come out or if you are prone to sinus headaches this is a great product for you.  This can also help with bowel movements and tender throat due to lymph node swelling. 

Each of the products below can be started a month before allergy season at 1 per meal.  If symptoms start to get bad adults can go up to 2 or 3 per meal.  

Standard Process (SP)- Available in our office or through a health care practitioner.
Nature Sunshine (NS)- Available in our office or you can order online by clicking here

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mono aka EBV & Mononucleosis

We have been seeing more Mono patients lately than we have all year.  Many people suffer with severe fatigue (that lasts for months), a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and glands.   If treated properly with supplements they can feel better quickly and not suffer with low energy down the road.  

We continuously see people with chronic low energy that stems from when they had mono many years ago.  There are amazing herbal anti-virals out there that can help to get people back on track and feeling much better! 

  • In the beginning stages for adults
    • Astragalus- 6 to 9 per day and VS-C TCM- 4 per day.  This needs to be done for at least a month.
  • Months 2 and 3:  
    • Astragalus- 4 per day and VS-C TCM- 2 per day.  This helps to ward off any further infection and keep the immune system up.
  • 3 Months and after:  
    • It does not hurt to stay on 3 to 4 Astragalus per day.  We have had numerous cases where people test very strongly for this months out from having mono and notice when they go off their energy starts to dip.  It’s an amazing herb for the immune system and Dr. Maxfield takes 4/day to keep hers strong during the cold/flu season. 

Both Astragalus and VS-C TCM are Nature Sunshine products.  For ordering information please click here.  

Please give us a call at 615-656-3558 if you have any questions or want to schedule a visit.  If you believe that many of your symptoms started after having mono years ago I would start on the above protocol from the beginning and see how you feel after a month.  

Monday, August 24, 2015

Laundry Detergent Recipe

It was time for me to make a new batch of laundry detergent!  This recipe lasted us (2 people) over 6 months!  It's inexpensive, easy to make and free of added toxins (and fragrances)!  I have attached a link to the recipe below.


Fabric Softener
Good ol' plain vinegar

For added whitening or extra dirty clothes
Add in 1/2 to 1 cup baking soda to wash

Things I learned this time around.  
First- I just used a hand grater for the Bronner's soap (not pictured below).  Last time I tried it in my food processor like some people suggested and it didn't go very well.  This time I just sat in front of the TV and mindlessly grated my soap.  

Second- Instead of pouring in full containers of all my ingredients, I added half of each one to my glass jar and then mixed it (ex: half of the box of borax, one small box of baking soda, half the box of super washing soap, etc.).  Once that was blended I added the rest of the boxes & soap and mixed it again.  It just made it a lot easier for mixing purposes because last time I added in full boxes and didn't have a lot of wiggle room to mix everything up.

Third-  Mix everything together with your hands versus a wooden spoon (like I did last time).  That made a big difference and got everything blended together nicely! 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Milkshake Recipe to Help Increase Your Supply while Nursing!

Like many women, I spent my whole pregnancy planning out what I would do as soon as our little guy got here.  For me, breastfeeding was a given.  It is the most natural and nutrient-rich food you can offer your child-sign me up!  I foolishly read articles and books on many topics….except nursing.  I figured it was natural, so everything would fall into place and we will both just know what to do and how to do it, right?

I was so very wrong.  From the very beginning I struggled with my supply, with his latch, with how much food I should be eating, his food intolerances in combination with my food intolerances, and terrible pain each time he nursed.  This all made nursing a big struggle physically, mentally, and emotionally.  This was supposed to be natural, why couldn’t I get it together and feed him?!  I finally stopped feeling bad for myself and started reading articles, called a lactation consultant, had Dr. Maxfield test me, and tried every suggestion my nursing friends offered.  I also put my nutritional therapy knowledge to good work and focused on foods that would help increase supply naturally.

One word you may be familiar with is Galactogogues.  These are substances that promote lactation in animals and humans. There are many foods that claim to be in this category.  Some seem to work for women, while other foods work much better for other women.  The most common of these are oatmeal, fennel, fenugreek, brewer’s yeast, and the ever-popular lactation cookies. Oatmeal was my go-to.  It worked wonderfully for me.  The only problem was that I soon realized a pattern between loading up on oatmeal and clogged milk ducts.  The oatmeal helped, but almost too effectively. 

The problem with many galactogogues is that they don’t address the underlying issues keeping you form producing enough milk in the first place.  There are many reasons ranging from calories and iron levels, to a slow pituitary, which can play a role in decreasing supply.  The best course of action is to not only try eating different galactogogue foods to increase your supply, but to also work with a qualified practitioner to find and address the cause. Simply eating more food and drinking more water everyday can be a very quick fix to the problem or you may need to give your body a little more support.

If you are looking for a healthy snack to offer plenty of good fats and calories, here is my favorite homemade shake.  I would often make this as a dessert in the evening while pregnant to make sure I didn’t wake up throughout the night hungry.  It proved to be helpful even after delivery for the same reason and for increasing calorie consumption.  If you have exhausted your options and still can’t increase supply, call our office to set up an appointment!  You can also call our office if you are in need of a local lactation consultant referral.

Chocolate Coconut Milk Shake (Serves 2)
1 Can full fat coconut milk
1 banana
½ avocado
2 tablespoons nut butter (almond or peanut butter were my favorite)
1 tablespoon maple syrup
¼ cup cocoa powder (Optional: 1 scoop of high quality protein powder)
Handful of pecans

Place all but the pecans into a blender.  Blend on high until combine, but don’t let the ice melt.  You may need to add more ice to get the shake cold enough.  Once blended, pour into two large cups and sprinkle with pecans.

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Homemade Gatorade Alternative

School is starting and that means so are sports practices. Fall football is one of my most favorite times of the year.  That said, the nutrition nerd in me can’t help but cringe every time I see an athlete reach for the neon green or yellow Gatorade that is ever-so-popular.  Sure, it tastes great, but how great is it, actually, for you?

The earliest versions of Gatorade consisted of a mixture of water, sodium, sugar, potassium, phosphate and lemon juice.  All relatively decent forms of electrolytes.  In 2010, however, the original Gatorade was re-branded as “Gatorade G”.  G2 contains a whopping 18 grams of sugar per 32-oz bottle.  It may claim to be “low calorie”, but as you have probably heard Dr. Maxfield and I mention, calories are not the most important factor in determining if a food or drink is healthy for you.  While 18 grams of sugar is definitely less than in an equal amount of soda, it is still more than half of the recommended daily allowance of added sugars for a male (37.5g) and more than the RDA for kids (16g).  All of this is reason enough to search for a healthier alternative and we haven’t even touched on the food colorings, additional artificial sweeteners, and chemicals that are also found in the drink.

While in school, we learned a great Gatorade alternative and it has become a favorite of mine and my husband’s.  It may not be bright blue or as yellow as the sun, but it tastes great, is full of electrolytes, and has NO added sugars!  Feel free to play with the flavors a bit and have fun with it!  Enjoy!

Gatorade Alternative
1 quart of filtered water
3 Tbs high quality fruit concentrate (we like the pomegranate flavor from Whole Foods)
2 tsp high quality powdered electrolytes or 1 tsp sea salt
2 tsp D-Ribose powder
  • This will add a touch of sweetness, but most importantly, it is key to the body’s energy making process and so it helps to restore energy to the heart and muscles

 Mix altogether in your pitcher/container and refrigerate!

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below
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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Chocolate Raspberry Treat made with Coconut Oil

Are you in the mood for a chocolate treat & want to eat some AMAZING coconut oil in the process?  Try the recipe below!
  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup cocoa (Or even better cacao)
  • 2 TBS honey (Or sweetener of choice.  I personally love honey the best but another favorite is coconut palm sugar or pure maple syrup.  For those on candida clear use xylitol.)
  • Optional: A couple handfuls of raspberries (This really should be mandatory because it tasted so good.)
Mix everything together.  You can leave the raspberries in whole or mash them up like I did so they blend in better.

Put your mixture in the freezer for about 3 to 5 minutes for a fudge like texture or 10 to 15 minutes for a hard chocolate bar like texture.  (NOTE: Coconut oil changes from a solid state to liquid around 76 degrees.  To make it liquid you can warm it up or it may already be in that form like mine because my house is much warmer in the summer.  You can also make it really solid by putting it in the freezer for 15 minutes or more.  You get the 'softened' texture by not leaving it in the freezer to completely harden up.)

Tips: It's not easy to eat out of a bowl when you keep it in the freezer for 15 minutes but best when it has only been in there for 5 minutes or so.  You can also make this mixture and put in a muffin tins with liners.  Then when it freezes it is in a nice single serving formation and easy to eat!  Enjoy!

Before I wrote this post
Mixed up the coconut oil, cocoa & honey

Added in the raspberries and mashed them up

It was gone before I even finished typing this post!  
And guess what?  I don't even feel bad about it.

For the original post I made on it click here.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

New Essential Oils Blends by Nature Sunshine

Over the past few months Nature Sunshine has come out with some amazing new essential oil blends.  Read more on them below & stop by the office to smell or try them out! My personal favorite is Core!


  • Breathe Deep. Take a deep breath and exhale. This clearing blend will have you breathing deep and clear in no time.
    • Rub on your chest and put on the tip of your nose when having trouble breathing or during a chest cold.
  • Changes. Women's Health Blend. Changes helps women ease the symptoms that are traditionally associated with PMS or the transitional phase of menopause.
  • Core. Balancing Blend. Always remember to BE YOURSELF. Achieve a natural balance and sense of purpose with this supportive and unique blend.
    • My personal favorite.  Very balancing.
  • Essential Shield. Shield yourself against the changing seasons with this protective formula.
    • GREAT FOR KIDS: Put on the bottom of their feet during cold/flu season.
  • Inspire. Uplifting Blend. Inspire greatness in yourself and those around you with this uplifting and fresh blend.
  • Recover. Soothing Blend. Apply this deep, cool and penetrating blend to muscles after workout.
  • RefugeCalming Blend. Allow REFUGE to be your daily safe haven. As daily stresses and worries accrue, REFUGE will be your beacon for peace and serenity.
  • Tei-FuSoothing Blend. Invigorate the mind and ease the body with this soft and refreshing blend. This blend is like yoga to your soul.
    • When I smell this blend I just feel more uplifted & energized.  You can use daily or rub on your chest for colds or trouble breathing.  Rub on your forehead, back of your neck and behind your ears for headaches.
Essential oils can be rubbed on the bottom of your feet because they are very easily absorbed there due to the large amount of pores.  When I personally like the smell of the oils I rub them on my chest and on the side of my neck below my ear so I can smell them throughout the day.  You can also get a diffuser to make your whole house smell good!  A personal favorite for my home lately is lemon & lavender and lemon & peppermint.

For a complete list of all their single oils and blends click here.  
For Nature Sunshine ordering instructions click here.

Stop by our office to test them out!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Skillet Cookie Recipe

Everyone loves desserts during the summer, especially ones that involve ice cream!  After eating grain and dairy free for many years, I miss how great homemade chocolate chip cookies taste.  One of my favorite ways to eat chocolate chip cookies is in the form of a skillet cookie.  It's my family's favorite indulgence.  This recipe is very simple and adapted from a favorite blogger of mine.  You can make cookies out of this or do the full skillet cookie.

1/2 cup butter, preferably grassfed, softened (you can use solid coconut oil)
2 cup
almond flour
1 cup arrowroot
1/2 cup
coconut palm sugar
4 tablespoons maple syrup
2 large egg, preferably pasture raised
4 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup
Enjoy Life chocolate chips
1 pint vanilla ice cream- (The brand we indulge in is Luna and Larry's Organic Coconut Bliss.  Available at Whole Food's and some Krogers)
Almond Slivers to taste
  • Preheat oven to 350.
  • In either a food processor or with beaters, cream the butter, coconut palm sugar, egg, maple syrup and vanilla for about 30 seconds. You might need to scrape down the sides with a rubber spatula to get it all mixed in.
  • Add the almond flour, arrowroot, baking soda and salt and mix until combined.
  • Stir in the chocolate chips by hand.

Here is where the recipe differs from the original:
For Cookies...

  • Drop by tablespoons on a parchment lined baking sheet.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown.
  • Transfer to a wire rack to cool, or at least as long as you can stand it.
For a skillet cookie...
  • Pour batter into a 10-12 inch cast iron pan
  • Bake for 12-14 minutes or until golden brown, but still soft
  • Take out of the oven and immediately top with ice cream and almond slivers

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below

Monday, July 20, 2015


If you or anyone you know suffers from warts (anywhere from 1 to multiple) here is a simple protocol we recommend to patients that can make a big difference!  We have to kill or knock out the virus from the inside out, which is what VS-C TCM is for!

VS-C TCM (Comes in both capsule and liquid form for kids. Stock number 949-2 or 3167-6 for the liquid)

  • Adults can take anywhere from 3 to 4 per day and children can take 1 to 2 per day
  • VS-C TCM is also great for shingles, mono, cold/canker sores and other tough viruses!

Black Ointment (Use topically- Stock number 1696-9)

  • Simply apply this to the area over the wart and it will help pull out the 'seed' and promote healing.  It is black so you will have to apply a band aid over the area so you don't get it all over your clothes!
To learn about how to order products from Nature Sunshine click here.

Monday, July 13, 2015

168 Chemicals per Day

As consumers we use many personal care products from shampoo, lotion, makeup, toothpaste, etc.  On average a woman puts on over 168 chemicals DAILY (not monthly or yearly) but DAILY. 

Many of these chemicals are known to wreak havoc on our hormones which cause many problems, symptoms or issues to occur as a result.

Think about what you put IN and ON your body (and your children’s body).  This is why we fully support and promote Beautycounter for their clean products, constant research and promise to not compromise their integrity along the way. 

For beauty products ranging from shampoos, face wash, sunscreen, makeup, kids body wash, etc. click here. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

New Weight Loss Program at MTCAM!

Lori Doyle (our office manager) is going to be starting a new 13 week guided weight loss program at our office!  We couldn't be more excited about it!  You do not have to be a patient at our office to join (all are welcome).  Below is a quick outline of the program and what to expect.  

What is IN.FORM?
IN.FORM is a different kind of weight loss program. This 13-week program is unique, using support and enthusiasm coupled with a small group setting. It brings to life all the elements of health, beginning with weight loss, and progressing to lifelong health. IN.FORM offers a truly holistic approach to weight management and overall well-being. It offers:
  • Socializing. A fun group setting allows you to quickly tap into a powerful social network. Statistically this is the most successful way to succeed in changing lifelong habits. Change is always easier with friends!
  • Accountability.  Weekly weigh-ins and measurements will track your success and assess your needs. You will be a part of a team based on encouragement, sharing your accomplishments and creating goals.
  • IN.FORM BioTracker.  Measures weight, body fat, hydration levels, lean muscle mass, bone mass, metabolic age and more so that you will gain understanding of your body's unique needs.
  • Health Education.  Lori will teach you how to take realistic baby steps that will lead to unbelievable results and aid in maintaining life-long eating habits. You will learn how your body works, how your thyroid and hormones affect metabolism, and what to do about it.
  • Emotional Support. Emotions play a key role in any weight-loss journey. She will provide knowledge to guide you in customizing a program to support your emotional well-being and balance your stress responses.
  • IN.FORM Heath Assessments.  Lori will recommend supplementation to personally fit your needs and help accelerate your success. You will learn specific protocols and remedies customized for your needs.
  • Exercise. She will teach you to be more aware of your daily activity and how it impacts your success with weight-loss. You will learn how to form attainable habits that fit your lifestyle.

Date: July 7, 2015-September 29, 2015
Time: Every Tuesday evening from 6:00-7:30 PM
Location: Middle Tennessee Center for Alternative Medicine
7123 Crossroads Blvd. Brentwood, TN 37027 
13 Week Coaching Fee: $249
Please email to RSVP or if you have any questions.