Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bug Bites?

Now is the season for bugs... Yay!  I just wanted to post a couple things you can do to relieve the itching and help heal them faster.

First- Put Tei Fu Essential Oil on the itchy bug bites.  This helps to quickly stop the itch!
Second- Put Silver Shield Gel on the bug bites to help them heal faster!

Both are available in the office or online through Nature Sunshine.  The Tei Fu Essential Oil stock number is (1618-7) and Silver Shield Gel stock number is (4950-1). 

Hope this helps against all those pesty bugs out there!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Homemade Noodles!! Only 4 Ingredients! Great for People on Candida Clear!

One of my patients on Monday gave me this great recipe for noodles.  It was a huge success!!  Many people miss pasta during the Candida Cleanse and those who battle candida in general.  I have to stay away from it because whenever I eat pasta I seem to bloat up and gain a few pounds... fun stuff.

There are only 4 ingredients in this pasta... which makes it so incredibly easy to make!  They are quinoa flour, water, olive oil and chia seeds (which can also be substituted for eggs but I used chia seeds since I had them).  I have had quinoa flour for a long time and used it only a few times.  I have never had much success with it because of the taste... seems pretty earthy... but with the pasta you don't notice it at all! I was so excited to have a recipe to use my quinoa flour!

  • 2 cups of quinoa flour
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds with 6 tbsp hot water, soaked and stirred until a paste forms
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1/2 cup warm water

  • Mix up ingredients until you get the dough.  I found it easier to mix with my hands.  It is a fairly dry dough so don't be alarmed. I put it in a gallon baggie and sealed it up for 20 minutes to let it set.  Online they said wrap it in plastic wrap for 20 minutes but the gallon baggie worked great.  Then I took it out and rolled on a cookie sheet and sliced up into thick noodles (the picture may not look pretty but they tasted great!).  I didn't have a pasta machine to make noodles so I sliced them myself.

    Put them in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.  Take out and drain water and enjoy!

    Look at this blog (link below) for much prettier pictures and a better description.  It can also be made with an egg instead of the hot water and chia seeds but I just followed her recipe.  You can cut the noodles thin or thick or with a pasta slicer if you have it.  Possibly use these to make as lasagna too!

    I also want to thank my patient who told me about this recipe!  I am sooo happy to share it with everyone :)

    Pic of noodles in the strainer

    Sunday, June 16, 2013

    Heavy Metals... Where do we get them from?

    At the office one of the things I test people for is heavy metals.  I typically do not go into detail about where people can get them from so here is a list to think about...

    -Vaccines (even if they were many many years ago)
    -Aluminum in deodorant (Look at a previous post for my deodorant... works amazing and cheap to make!)
    -Metal fillings in teeth (This is a constant source of heavy metal exposure.  If you can't afford to get them taken out it would be a good idea to take a supplement each day that helps your body detoxify and get rid of it.  This prevents mercury in the fillings from depositing into organs or areas you don't want to.)
    -Aluminum cans
    -Air pollution
    -Food preservatives
    -Car exhaust
    -Our water supply

    That is just a short list... they are in many other things too!  This list is not intended to worry you or make you feel like you have to quickly change everything.  Instead just be aware and take small steps to eliminate as many as you can.  Any change no matter how small or large will help tremendously!

    Saturday, June 15, 2013

    Bored of Water... Try this!

    Here are a few tips to try and spice up your water!

    -Chop up and soak a cucumber in a large container of water over night and enjoy in the morning!

    -Add fresh lemon or lime with mint leaves

    -Add fresh basil to your water

    -Let frozen berries melt and add the run off juice and melted berries to your water

    -Get a new bottle to drink out of... sometimes a new change is all your need!

    -Add a tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll to you water... it tastes like mint! I LOVE it! Its AMAZING for you too! (It supports intestinal and circulatory health and tastes good! Available in office or online through Nature Sunshine)

    -Add a drop or two of peppermint oil to your glass of water (Available through Nature Sunshine and probably Whole Foods or other health food stores)

    My favs...
    **Cucumber water
    **Liquid chlorophyll (Pic below)
    **Couple drops of peppermint oil (Pic below)

    Thursday, June 13, 2013

    Trouble Loosing Weight? Try these 2 tips

    A lot of people come into the practice and one of their top 5 concerns or issues typically has something to do with weight.  99% of the time a Candida issue has something to do with it as well as an underlying thyroid issue (our metabolic control center).  Once these things get taken care of people notice significant changes in their weight and energy levels as well as mental clarity.  I wanted to also give you 2 simple tips to try as well!

    1) Drink a full glass of water immediately upon waking in the morning.  Set the glass of water on your nightstand and have it ready to drink right when you wake up.  This gets you hydrated right away in the morning and jump starts your metabolism. 

    2) Stop eating after 6pm.  This gives your body more time to break down food instead of trying to process it during the middle of the night when your metabolism is the slowest.  If you set a time (even if it is not 6pm) and decide you are not going to eat later than that it will help keep you from wandering into the kitchen looking for snacks and mindless eating (which most people do not because they are hungry... but instead out of routine). 

    Try these 2 EASY things and see how much it helps you!

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    Allergies? Use this great nasal spray!

    Allergies are rearing their ugly head this season... the pollen count has been really high which quickly leads to congestion, sinus headaches and the worst... sinus infections.  For most people sinus infections lead to antibiotics... EEEK! So hopefully I can help keep at least one person off of antibiotics from reading this.  I have great 'natural' (aka herbal and whole food supplements) allergy help at the office that I will post about sometime soon.  Now however I wanted to give you all a natural allergy nasal spray that you can use as often as you want.  It helps get antiviral and antibacterial spray into your sinuses as well as open them up to help you breathe clearer.  Why would you not use this?! 

    All you need is
    -Nasal spray bottle (available in office)
    -Silver Shield Liquid (available in office or online ordering)
    -Tei Fu Essential Oil (available in office or online ordering)

    Put Silver Shield liquid in nasal spray bottle with 2-3 drops of Tei Fu.  The Silver Shield liquid is antiviral and antibacterial and the Tei Fu acts to open up the nasal passage to help you breath clear!  It works amazing!  You can use as often as you want and without any fear of side effects!

    Stop by the office to pick it up or you can order the Silver Shield and Tei Fu oil from Nature Sunshine following the directions on the website

    Quote of the Day

    The doctor of the future will give little medicine but will interest his patients in care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
    -Thomas A. Edison
    This quote explains exactly what I want to do with everyone one of my patients that walks through the door.  I hope to interest and educate each and everyone of you in how to care for your body naturally... without the need for drugs or surgery (and yes there are extreme cases that call for it). 
    With true health there is a balance between the mind, body and spirit.  At the practice I focus on the balance in the body and have amazing resources for emotional healing.  In my area of expertise I can almost guarantee without proper nutrition and supplementation when needed as well as chiropractic care (to take of the nervous system) the body cannot stay healthy.  My goal for you is to stay motivated and see how much power and control you have over your own health.  NO ONE is destined to a life of medications if they are truly motivated to change and take their health into their own hands. 

    Monday, June 10, 2013

    Breakfast 'Cereal'

    I bought puffed millet about a month ago and have just been using it in my homemade chocolate (recipe in a previous post).  However just recently I have been eating it as cereal in the morning.  It is like a puffed rice crispy.  It's not crunchy when it gets wet, but I think it adds a great variety to the morning routine.  I had a large bowl of it with pecans, fresh raspberries and unsweetened almond milk.  It is not very filling by itself so adding nuts and some berries gives it more substance.  Try it and see if you like it!

    I purchased mine in the health food section of Kroger... possibly by the cereal or healthy baking section.  (It's been awhile so I can't quite remember)

    Saturday, June 8, 2013

    June... a great time to do a Cleanse!

    June has quickly approached us... I am not sure where the first half of the year went?!?  Doing a full body cleanse is a great idea to do at least 2 times a year.  It gives your body a fresh cleaning and helps you to get rid of the "gunk" that bogs it down over time through our environment and diet.  Clean Start by Nature Sunshine is an amazing cleanse..  Hands down it is my favorite.  Its very simple to do, doesn't have a bad taste, and I feel great while doing it.  I always feel so much better by day 3 or 4.. increased energy, clearer thinking, better bowel movements, etc.  It cleans out all the filters in your body which people never think to do... we clean out the air filters in our cars and house however people never think to do so in their body! Think how much better you would function and the sickness that could be prevented by just doing a cleaning every once in awhile.  Most people only focus on cleaning the outside of their body (which is a plus)... and rarely focus on the inside which is MUCH more important!! Take time for yourself and make it a must do!

    Available in the office or online by following the online ordering instructions at  The stock number is 3993-8.  Make sure to get the Wild Berry. 

    ***DO NOT do cleanse if you have loose stool

    Friday, June 7, 2013

    Brownie/Chocolate Cake with Almond Flour

    Sorry its been awhile since I have last posted and put up a recipe.  Life has been busy needless to say and I haven't been trying out new recipes lately.. so I will get back in the swing of things.  (And it gives me ideas to post up stress releasing ideas and supplements... who wouldn't benefit from that.. right?!) Anyways a patient of mine sent this recipe to me awhile ago and I finally made it last night!  It was great! It gives you that chocolate and 'starchy' fix that many people crave.

    2/3 cup xylitol or honey
    1/2 cup melted butter coconut oil
    1 Tbsp. vanilla extract
    3 eggs
    1 cup almond flour
    1/2 cup cocoa (unsweetened)
    1/4 tsp. baking soda
    1/4 tsp. sea salt

    Mix ingredients all together and place on a greased 8x8 pan.  (I grease all my pans for baking with coconut oil.)  Bake on 350 degrees for about 20 to 25 min. 

    The texture is closer to a dense cake than brownies I thought.... and the batter is delicious :).. that's my weakness. 

    I hope you enjoy them like I did!  It would be great with raspberries on top :)

    The recipe was modified from