Friday, November 15, 2013

Thankful (Part 2)

Nov 6
I am truly grateful for Nature Sunshine's Silver Shield.  It is a tasteless liquid that is an amazing antibacterial and antiviral.  (Even antiparasitic!)  It is safe to use internally (swallow), use in the eyes, ears and up your nose too (in a nasal spray bottle of course)!  When I get the first sign of something I start taking a sip of it every hour or 2 until about half the bottle is gone or more.  75% of the time or more it knocks whatever I have right away.  Its great to put a drop or 2 in your ears with garlic oil (Nature Sunshine has this in perles where you poke it with a needle to get a drop out) at the first sign of an ear infection.  Silver Shield is great to spray up your nose for sinus infections and put a couple drops in your eye for any type of conjunctivitis (pinkeye or eye infection) or a stye!  Even dogs can take it.  Louie was really tired and his little paws and armpits were hot.  I gave him 3 tablespoons that day and 1 the following day and let me tell you he was back to his normal self plus some.  He was full of energy the day after he was feeling sick and didn't seem to miss a beat.  Great Stuff.  (Side note... what makes Nature Sunshine's so fantastic is that it is 99% bioavailable.  Meaning it has a 99% absorption rate which tops other brands.  If it is not bioavailable the 'silver' part can actually do more harm than good.  This is why I would never advise anyone to make their own colloidal silver.  Yes it may be a little cheaper but you do not want silver getting trapped in your body creating more harm than good.  Buy top quality colloidal silver.  It makes a difference and worth the investment.)

Louie and his Silver Shield

Nov 7
I am truly grateful for Lori.  First she is the best co-worker anyone could ask for.  She is smart, knows her stuff and such a caring and compassionate person.  She is great at answering patients questions and concerns and the first person to help encourage patients when they are going through hard times.  She has such an uplifting spirit and presence (and a very talented Zoomba instructor too!!). 

Your work environment is where you spend a lot of your time and energy.  If it does not have good energy it can really reek havoc no only on your work but also personal life.  We try to maintain a peaceful and encouraging environment for our patients and Lori is the one of the main reasons why.  I am so so so so lucky to get to work with her.

Nov 8
More of a personal story... I have a couple supplements I could not do without.  One of them being Chaste Tree by Mediherb (Standard Process's herbal line).  This helps to naturally raise progesterone levels when they are low.  There are a whole host of stereotypical low progesterone symptoms and mine was acne.  I have done multiple cleanses (candida, parasite, liver, full body) and the acne would still creep up.  Chaste Tree made a world of a difference.  My skin still goes through little phases and its not perfect by any means... however it is SO much better.  Chaste tree in my case is the reason why.  It doesn't work on everyone and not everyone needs it.  Usually if there is a hormonal issue (not all the time) in women it is because they are estrogen dominate and progesterone deficient (for many reasons but one being due to stress).  Chaste Tree helps to naturally raise those levels and get women feeling better... and clear up my skin! (Watch me have a really bad break out tonight now that I announced this to everyone...)

Nov 9
I am excited and thankful for the new product by Nature Sunshine called AnxiousLessIt literally does what the name says... helps you to be anxious less.  I have had great results with it in the office and have my fiancée on it too.  When he would be done from a long day at work (which his job has a lot of stress... like most people's) I could tell the difference between when he took his supplements and when he didn't.  AnxiousLess makes him more calm when he is done versus taking a longer time to wind down from work.  Try it.  You can start with just one a day or use it as needed (I give my fiancée one at lunch).  It can even be used with kids starting at 5 years of age! (But sad to think those little ones are stressed or anxious at that age.  Life should be fun and exciting...)

Helps quickly ease anxiousness without drowsiness
Promotes a feeling of confidence and security
Improves your mood while helping reduce fatigue
Offers safe, non-habit forming relief

Nov 10
I am sooooooo grateful for patients who 'get it.'  They just trust the process and understand their body and what true health means.  It doesn't mean listening to all the propaganda and advertisements out there.  It doesn't mean feeling like you have to be on medications or that it is the only option.  Your health does not go from point A to point B but instead a journey and lifestyle to work towards.  Yes there will hiccups and bumps along the way but that is okay.  You are not going to feel like a million dollars all the time.  That's okay.  That's what we are here for.  To pick you up when you need it and see whats going on.  Sometimes it is just nice to have patients that understand the road can be bumpy at times... and also understand how good they can feel! :) (But I like putting up fights too!  Just not everyday :)  Its all about education.)

Nov 11
A great product that I personally take on occasion (and use a lot on patients with sleep issues) is Min Tran by Standard Process. This is a great general relaxer and full of minerals... hence the name Min (minerals) Tran.  It's basically like food for the adrenal glands (aka the ones that deal and cope with stress).  It is great for those on the verge of a panic attack or those who struggle turning off their mind at night.  2 or 3 of them around bedtime can help tremendously or 1 to 2 before or during a panic attack.  I am typically not an anxious person but sometimes I have trouble just relaxing enough to fall asleep.  If I take 2 to 3 Min Tran I notice I stop tossing and turning pretty quickly and before you know it I am asleep.  Its one of the cheapest products we have and worth trying out for anyone who struggles with falling asleep because their mind keeps going and going. (Start with 2 and work up to 5 before bed.)

Nov 12
Another great product that many of my patients are thankful for is Parotid PMG.  I use it most frequently for detoxing/eliminating out any type of toxin.  It could be a heavy metal or could be any type of chemical lingering in their body.  Parotid PMG is great because its safe on pregnant women too! Anyways... if you are or know someone who struggles with strong smells that instantly throw them into a headache, this may be worth a try.  It aids your bodies natural detoxing abilities and prevents you from being thrown into that funk/migraine/dizziness when you smell strong perfume or cleaning chemicals for example.  I know people struggle walking through the grocery store cleaning isle, walking through Macy's because of all the perfume and fragrance, or even going to church because all the fancy perfume and cologne.  Take 2 ahead of time (even more) if you know you are going into one of these situations to help lessen or even stop any of those symptoms from happening!

Nov 13
I am grateful for... Garlic!  Yes you may be (well I always am) a little bit garlicky after using it... but that's okay!  It is an amazing antibacterial (great for whats going around) and antifungal (aka anti-candida).  Eating it raw is the cheapest way. You can cut it up and swallow the cloves or I have been recently taking it easier by grating it into a glass with a little bit of water and drinking it quick!  If you are prone to burping it up and would rather do anything than take garlic raw there is a great product by Nature Sunshine called High Potency Garlic which is coated in chlorophyll.  The coating prevents the 'after burp.'  Either way you are getting great antibacterial benefits and it can even help with yeast infections, reducing high blood pressure, decreasing arthritic inflammation, and even put a drop of garlic oil in your ear with Silver Shield to help with ear infections or Swimmer's Ear.

High Potency Garlic
1 Tablet = 1.2 Cloves of Fresh Garlic

Nov 14
I am thankful for getting sick sometimes (key word. sometimes).  I know this sounds a bit crazy but do you know what I mean when you don't know how good you felt until you got sick.  Well I was full of allergies and congestion from Sunday till about Wednesday.  Finally I can breath and smell everything... yay!  And it makes me truly appreciate how good I was feeling and am feeling now.  We take our health for granted and just want to be better all the time.  Maybe there is a reason we get sick... maybe its to slow down our busy lives and let our bodies get a breather.  Now I am not saying being sick is fun.  But it surely does make you appreciate feeling good!

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