Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes-- "Oh yeah you can't do anything about it.  It's normal for everyone my age to have them."  NOT TRUE.  NOT TRUE at all.  It may be true that that most people have them... but it doesn't make it NORMAL.  Guess what... there are all natural supplements that can help (without the need for hormone replacement therapy which throws your body out of whack anyways)!  I have seen this over and over and over.  Ask my mom.

Yes it is very common for women going through the big, awful, dreaded menopause however it does not have to be that way!  I remember traveling with my mom in the winter time... the windows were rolled down while we were all shivering and yelling for her to roll up the windows.  About 5 minutes into the windows being up... she would roll them back down.  Up, down, up, down.  I don't know how we all didn't catch colds from that or frost bite.  After getting her on a supplement regimen she is hot flash free.  It is not an over night process but it is something that can be done fairly quickly.  Also ask Lori.  She very rarely, if ever, has had a hot flash and she will be proud to tell you why. 

Hot flashes are a way to let you know that your hormone producing glands (thyroid, adrenals, ovaries, pituitary, hypothalamus) are out of sync.  When women go through menopause they rely on the adrenals to make the sex hormones (instead of the ovaries).  Guess what body part has been stressed all your life and now you are asking it to do just one more job... the adrenals! They are the 'stress' gland in the body and are supposed to help you cope and deal with stressors in your life.  However in our daily lives we have one pressure after another after another.  The adrenals have a right to be tired.  This is equivalent to asking your body to keep running and running without a break.  Your body would break down... just like many people's adrenal glands do.  When the body starts to rely on the (tired/sluggish) adrenals to make sex hormones symptoms start to occur. 

The liver also plays a huge role in the process too.  It is the major detox center (aka filter) in your body which is a huge job.  If it is even a little sluggish hormones back up that are supposed to be eliminated and all sorts of crazy things happen... mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety, depression, etc. 

Your body is going through a change and anytime you personally go through a change there is always a transition period, right? So why not prepare your body ahead of time before the change occurs.  Or if you happen to be in the full swing of things and have any signs or issues (hot flashes or anything else) let us know.  Please don't be fooled that this is normal.  Let us help you with those 'changes' in life!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cheap Fruit and Veggie Wash

One of the things I test for in the office is chemicals.  This is such a large category that it is virtually impossible to stay away from all chemicals and toxins in our environment.  We can only do our best to lighten the chemical burden we put in and on our body.  One easy way (that people may forget about) is to wash your fruits and veggies.  I think sometimes people are just so happy that they are eating all their fruits and veggies (which you should be!) and don't think about it.  Water just doesn't cut it anymore when washing your fruits/veggies because of all the chemicals and pesticides.  There are two things you can do... 1) buy all organic (yes this is ideal... but not always realistic.  I try to buy as much organic as possible but lets face it I don't get everything organic) and most importantly 2) you can wash off your fruits and veggies really well before you eat them. 

What I do at home is fill a squirt bottle with 1/4 (if that) of Bronner's unscented soap and the rest with water.  I take whatever fruit/veggie I am eating, give it a few squirts and rub the soap around and wash it all off.  The castile soap washes off very easily and doesn't leave a residue.  It also leaves whatever you are washing all squeaky clean.  It is a great idea to just keep your fruit/veggie spray out next to your hand soap (or you can the same stuff as your hand wash... I use the eucalyptus scented Bronner's as my hand soap but don't want all my food tasting like it).  Now go out there and wash off all your fruits and veggies and eat them them right up!  :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Turkey Burger Sliders with a Zucchini 'Bun'

This is a very simple way to recreate a healthy version of 'sliders' or small hamburgers with a bread substitution... zucchini!  I found this idea online and it is very easy to do and tastes great.

Turkey burgers
You can cook it like you normally would with spices but I added salsa and almond flour to give it a little more moisture and spice!
-1 pound turkey burger
-1.5 cups almond flour
-1 jar of salsa (watch out for added sugar and high fructose corn syrup!)

Mix together and cook as you normally would.  You can make them into little sliders like I did or large burgers.  Tastes great either way.

Zucchini 'Bun'
I cut the zucchini into quarter to half inch slices (this is something you can experiment with).  I cooked the pieces on medium/high heat for 2 minutes on each side in coconut oil.  This way they get warm but still maintain their form.  If you cooked them longer the zucchini gets soft and would be harder to make a 'bun' out of it.

There you go! Very simple to do.  I found it easier to eat them like open face sandwiches with no 'bun' on top.  With the top 'bun' I found it harder to bite into and not get all over myself.  Enjoy!

*A tip to make the sliders is to take a spoon full of your turkey mix and throw on a skillet.  They are perfect size and then you don't have to get your hands dirty each time. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Great Video to Watch

Going through this crazy process of staying healthy can be a daunting task. Sometimes it seems easy and other days all you want to do is go back to the way you used to eat before. It's much more convenient right?

If you are feeling demotivated, frustrated, bored or just want to watch an informative little documentary I highly suggest Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. It was available on Netflix for those of you who have it. Anyways it follows a man who does a 60 day juice cleanse who, just like the title says, was fat, sick and nearly dead. He has a rare autoimmune disease and was on steroids and wanted to get his life back. Then it goes on to follow a 400lb man (with numerous health issues). Great documentary and informative. Also it is motivation for anyone who wants to do a juice cleanse! (I was actually on day 6 of one and didn't even know the movie was about it.  It was perfect motivation to do a couple more days.)

Whether you are doing a juice cleanse or not I really suggest you watch it when you have a little time to wind down. And it's getting dark sooner :( so why not watch an informative movie! :) 

I hope you all had a great weekend! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Another Brownie Recipe! Perfect for those on Candida Clear!

Here is another brownie recipe I ran across.  This one does not use almond flour like the other one but instead uses coconut flour.  I have not found many recipes that I like which use coconut flour because it seems so dense to me.  So I was very happy to find one I enjoyed (probably because all the xylitol) plus its very simple to make.

1/3 cup melted coconut oil
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
6 eggs
1 cup xylitol
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 coconut flour
1 cup of nuts (optional)

Mix melted coconut oil and cocoa powder together so all of the cocoa powder is nice and blended.  In another bowl mix the eggs, xylitol, salt, vanilla, and nuts together.  Then add the coconut oil/cocoa.  Stir well.  (My coconut oil was melted over the stove.  So when I added the warm coconut oil/cocoa mix to the rest of the ingredients, aka the cold eggs, the coconut oil quickly hardened and it didn't stir well.  The batter didn't look appetising but once the mix warmed up in the oven when baking they turned out just fine.) Then add in the coconut flour slowly until everything is mixed.  (Here again it seemed like it was hard to mix because of the coconut oil/cocoa mixture.  Just make sure the coconut flour is mixed and no chunks.)

Put in a greased (with coconut oil right!) pan and bake on 350 degrees for 28 to 32 minutes. 

When I make these again I would make sure the melted coconut oil had cooled to around room temperature before adding it to the cold eggs which in my case quickly solidified the coconut oil.  Either way it all tastes the same!  Also in the pictures it looks like it is 'marbled'.  That is just because the coconut flour didn't mix well with my hard coconut oil/cocoa.  It looks neat and there are no chunks of coconut flour in the cooked brownies so no need to worry if yours looks like this.  Lastly my brownies had a very small layer at the bottom.  This is the eggs/xylitol that settled to the bottom when cooked.  You can eat it or scrape if off (for kids who think it looks weird).  I ate it and it tastes just fine!

Just a few tips and pointers for you that I noticed along the way but... they taste great!!

PS. Remember NO xylitol for dogs. Its very toxic to their little systems. Sorry Louie... no brownies for you!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lobelia Essence for Kidney Stones and Asthma

Lobelia Essence is a fantastic product by Nature Sunshine that helps to open up airways and relax muscles in the body.  I usually promote it in the office for people with asthma or chest tightness but it is also great for kidney stones!  Read below on how and what to take it for. 
Do not take more lobelia essence than recommended because it may cause an upset stomach. 

Ways to use it
Asthma- Do 10 to 15 drops under the tongue to help open up airways.  It works like an inhaler would.  If you feel like an asthma attack (or panic attack) is coming on or your chest is getting tighter do this immediately.  Follow up the next hour by doing 10 drops under the tongue.  You can also rub the liquid on your chest to help with breathing.  Rub directly on the skin or mix with a little bit of coconut oil. 

Its also great to do if you are having trouble breathing outside due to humidity, allergies or simply chest congestion due to a cold.  Do 5 drops under your tongue. 

Panic Attacks- Treat as if you would an asthma attack

Relaxation and sleep- Add 10 to 20 drops in a bath to promote relaxation.  You can also rub the liquid on your back over the spine (with a little bit of coconut oil) to help promote sleep. 

Kidney Stones- Do 10 drops under your tongue every 2 hours until pain subsides.  Drink hot water with fresh squeezed lemon through out the day.  Add apple cider vinegar and fresh garlic for even greater benefits and pain relief.   You can also rub the liquid on the middle and lower part of your back (where your kidneys sit) to allow the muscles and kidney to relax and help pass the stone. 

We recently had a patients husband do this and pass a kidney stone the size of a fire ant!

For those who have an account it is available through Nature Sunshine (Stock Number: 1765-8) and for those who do not have an account follow the ordering instructions by clicking the link  

Great topping for Meat and Sweet Potatoes!

I know I put this in other posts but I have really been enjoying this topping/dip on a variety of foods.  All you need is plain Greek yogurt and basil.  Put both of those in a food processor and enjoy!  I taste test it until I have added enough basil.  It's very refreshing!

It is a great topping on sweet potatoes (instead of sour cream), chicken or fish and also works as a vegetable dip for carrots, celery, peppers, etc. 

I just made it Monday night to go with my sweet potato. Throw a big scoop of coconut oil on first with some sea salt (together tastes like butter) and then add a big glob of the basil Greek yogurt.  Delicious!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fruit Fly Trap

I found this from another blogger and it truly works!  I trapped almost all of my pesky fruit flies at home (which you can't see in the pic because they have sunk to the bottom).  All you have to do is put a little dish soap in a bowl and fill with water. Make sure you have plenty of bubbles. This is what traps them. Then add a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the water to help lure them to the bowl.  That's it!

Put a fresh bowl out each morning and night.

For more information on where I got this idea and another great blog to follow click the link below.  She has great tips for healthy living and I have been really enjoying the information she talks about! It's so helpful, informative and an easy read. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Special

For the month of September... bring in ONE of the following items and receive $10 OFF your service that day.  All items will be donated to Harvest Hands located in Nashville.

-Side walk chalk
-Jump rope for children
-Watercolors or a water coloring book
-Paint for children
-Large pack of markers or crayons

Harvest Hands is Christian centered organization focused on community development in South Nashville.  The program is designed to help people, both young and old, learn more about healthy living and education as well as spiritual formation and economic development.  They have after school programs for children as well as fitness classes for people within the community.  For more information please visit

Also a huge thank you to all my patients who brought in donation items last month for the Veterans of Nashville!  I looooooove going to the different locations and dropping off the items :) Thank you all for donating and allowing our little practice to give back to those in need in the Nashville area!!