Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cheap Fruit and Veggie Wash

One of the things I test for in the office is chemicals.  This is such a large category that it is virtually impossible to stay away from all chemicals and toxins in our environment.  We can only do our best to lighten the chemical burden we put in and on our body.  One easy way (that people may forget about) is to wash your fruits and veggies.  I think sometimes people are just so happy that they are eating all their fruits and veggies (which you should be!) and don't think about it.  Water just doesn't cut it anymore when washing your fruits/veggies because of all the chemicals and pesticides.  There are two things you can do... 1) buy all organic (yes this is ideal... but not always realistic.  I try to buy as much organic as possible but lets face it I don't get everything organic) and most importantly 2) you can wash off your fruits and veggies really well before you eat them. 

What I do at home is fill a squirt bottle with 1/4 (if that) of Bronner's unscented soap and the rest with water.  I take whatever fruit/veggie I am eating, give it a few squirts and rub the soap around and wash it all off.  The castile soap washes off very easily and doesn't leave a residue.  It also leaves whatever you are washing all squeaky clean.  It is a great idea to just keep your fruit/veggie spray out next to your hand soap (or you can the same stuff as your hand wash... I use the eucalyptus scented Bronner's as my hand soap but don't want all my food tasting like it).  Now go out there and wash off all your fruits and veggies and eat them them right up!  :)

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