Monday, December 9, 2013

Bored with Salad... Try this!

If you are like me you get bored with salads.  I can eat one type of salad for a couple weeks or longer and then I have to take a break for awhile.  I was in one of my 'salad breaks' because I had over done them until I recently went to a little gathering.  The salad had peppers cut up into small pieces for a topping which to be honest hasn't crossed my mind lately.  Maybe you all do this... and I am a little behind.  Long story short, it was fantastic!  The peppers added a nice little crunch that I have been missing. Mix it with some pecans or walnuts and BAM! you have a delicious salad.  

If you are also like me I am always running from point A to B and try to plan ahead and be prepared but always find myself doing just the opposite.  (I am always focusing on something... typically work... and time slips away from me.) So with that being said, being prepared ahead of time is crucial for me.  This seems like a silly tip but it may help one person out there.  Get a couple peppers, dice them up and keep in a glass container for storage.  Then when you are on the move like me and have 5 minutes to get ready, you can throw some salad in a bowl and have your chopped up peppers ready to go!  (You can even chop up carrots or cucumbers too and store them all together.)  It should last for at least 4 days or more.  They are great toppings for salad, like I did tonight, or on top of chicken or quinoa. 

Aren't they such pretty colors!

My salad tonight... with lots of peppers and pecans!  Delicious!

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