Monday, January 12, 2015

Coconut Oil Skin, Body and Hair Care Uses!

Besides the great benefits of eating coconut oil here are some other fun uses! 
Be on the lookout for future posts with other great ideas for the home!

Shaving Lotion- Great for a close shave and a moisturizer at the same time
Facial and Body Scrub - Combine coconut oil with Himalayan crystal salt and apply to face each night for a scrub. Combine coconut oil and sugar for a body scrub. 
Makeup Remover - This is amazing for taking makeup off!  No mascara can withstand a simple swipe of coconut oil.  And healthier, stronger and longer eye lashes are just a bonus!

Homemade Deodorant - You only need a few ingredients in addition to coconut oil.  Mix 6 TBS melted coconut oil, ¼ cup corn starch, ¼ cup baking soda.  Mix together and you are good to go! For a blog post just on this click here. 
Dry Feet Treatment - Mix with salt to form a foot scrub

Elbow Rub - Helps manage the dry skin on your elbows

Sunscreen- Coconut oil even offers some protection from the sun, about an SPF 4

After Shave – Don’t want unpleasant bumps and rashes after shaving? Coconut oil soothes sensitive skin and promotes healing.

Deep Moisturizing Hair Conditioner- Cover from roots to tips of hair with coconut oil.  Massage into scalp too.  Put hair in a shower cap for an hour or more. When you wash make sure to put shampoo on your hair before getting it wet.  Scrub shampoo in thoroughly and then rinse with water. 
Defrizzer of Split Ends- Just put a tiny amount on your hands and run them through the frizzy areas.

Dandruff – Massage coconut oil into the scalp to ease symptoms of dandruff, both itching and flaking.
We have quarts and gallons in stock!  If you are in need of any stop by the office! 

1 comment:

  1. 3 Researches SHOW Why Coconut Oil Kills Belly Fat.

    The meaning of this is that you literally kill fat by eating coconut fats (including coconut milk, coconut cream and coconut oil).

    These 3 researches from major medicinal journals are sure to turn the conventional nutrition world around!
