Sunday, September 27, 2015

Take Note: Anyone with Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibriods

Anyone with endometriosis, PCOS and really any female issue- take note.  This may seem like a strange topic but I believe it is a very important one that many women do not think about… tampons.  

The popular brands out there use chlorine and bleached cotton (that has pesticides on it)- which may not seem like a big deal however if you were to swallow anything that was bleached you would think twice about it.  Now most people don’t think twice about putting in a tampon with bleached cotton that has been treated with pesticides.  There are so so many cases of fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, etc. and I can’t help but think they are aggravated by putting this nasty toxin right where many of the issues lie.  If you put a chemical in a place long enough it will likely irritate (or I believe cause more issues) the surrounding tissue.  This is especially important in anyone with female concerns/issues but I really do believe ALL females should think about this. 

What can you do about it?  Get all natural tampons- ones that are not bleached.  (And yes there are people out there that say you shouldn’t use them at.  I know I should probably be more on board with that but it isn't realistic for me.)

Anyways- go to Whole Foods or any natural store and get their tampons.  I get all of mine through an online store called Thrive Market because they are cheaper and I buy them in bulk maybe 2 times per year.  It’s funny to see my husband open up the box! :)  The ones I usually buy are made by Natracare (and double check to see if they have an applicator- the 20/box does NOT and the 16/box does).  I know they cost more but I personally feel it is 100% worth it as someone who suffered with endometriosis and ovarian cysts. 

Help your body out &  go get rid of those cotton things full of chlorine, bleach and pesticides!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Plantain Pancakes- Easy and Tasty!

Sunday mornings mean big breakfasts in our house.  Since going gluten free and then grain free, I have searched for a decent pancake or waffle recipe.  Some recipes were absolute flops-no pun intended- and others were pretty good.  It wasn't until I found this original recipe on one of my favorite blogs that I finally found a permanent replacement.  This recipe is completely whole foods, no grains, no dairy, no gluten!  Best yet, it is kid approved and delicious!   Since Emery started school in August, I have been making 2 batches each Sunday.  One for breakfast and the other to freeze and send to school each day as a snack.  He loves them!  Use with your favorite Grade B pure maple syrup and enjoy!

  • 2 large green plantains
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 Tbsp Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp of cinnamon
  • Any other fun add-ins (blueberries, chocolate chips, pecans)
  • Extra coconut oil for frying
  1. The green plantains are pretty hard to peel.  I have found it is easiest to cut each plantain into a few pieces and then gently slice through the peel.  Place the peeled plantains and the eggs into your food processor or Vitamix.  Blend to form a smooth batter.
  2. Add everything else to the food processor and mix for another 30 seconds
  3. Lightly oil your pan and pour batter for your waffle or pancake
  4. Allow to cook for about 5 minutes or until the sides are starting to starting to brown and firm up.
  5. Flip!  And cook on the second side for 1½-2minutes.
  6. Repeat with remaining batter, adding a little more coconut oil to your pan as needed.
Recipe adapted from the original recipe found at

Becca Potter
To schedule online with Becca click the link below

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Allergy Season and Supplements

With allergy season starting up (and in some people full force) here are our best sellers to help you with allergies.  

NOTE:  If you suffer from allergies this means your body is not ELIMINATING out histamines properly.  The supplements below work on the histamines (allergens) but the REAL reason you are suffering is that your filters are pretty clogged up (aka liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, etc).  Working on cleaning up the filters will help you minimize allergies for the long haul versus having to take allergy supplements/medications for the rest of your life.  Yes even people we have been working with for awhile still have to take allergy supplements but in 95% of the them their allergies are greatly reduced from when they first started. 

Allerplex (SP)- Great for seasonal allergies and drying up mucous.

ALJ (NS)- Great for seasonal allergies and clearing up mucous.  Great for people with pressure in their ears from allergies.   More of an herbal blend than Allerplex.

Histablock (NS)- Does literally what is says… blocks the histamines.  Great for people with allergies but also who suffer with general allergies all year round to pollen, dander, dust, etc. 

Antronex (SP)- A sinus drainage product.  If mucous is stuck and cannot come out or if you are prone to sinus headaches this is a great product for you.  This can also help with bowel movements and tender throat due to lymph node swelling. 

Each of the products below can be started a month before allergy season at 1 per meal.  If symptoms start to get bad adults can go up to 2 or 3 per meal.  

Standard Process (SP)- Available in our office or through a health care practitioner.
Nature Sunshine (NS)- Available in our office or you can order online by clicking here

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mono aka EBV & Mononucleosis

We have been seeing more Mono patients lately than we have all year.  Many people suffer with severe fatigue (that lasts for months), a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes and glands.   If treated properly with supplements they can feel better quickly and not suffer with low energy down the road.  

We continuously see people with chronic low energy that stems from when they had mono many years ago.  There are amazing herbal anti-virals out there that can help to get people back on track and feeling much better! 

  • In the beginning stages for adults
    • Astragalus- 6 to 9 per day and VS-C TCM- 4 per day.  This needs to be done for at least a month.
  • Months 2 and 3:  
    • Astragalus- 4 per day and VS-C TCM- 2 per day.  This helps to ward off any further infection and keep the immune system up.
  • 3 Months and after:  
    • It does not hurt to stay on 3 to 4 Astragalus per day.  We have had numerous cases where people test very strongly for this months out from having mono and notice when they go off their energy starts to dip.  It’s an amazing herb for the immune system and Dr. Maxfield takes 4/day to keep hers strong during the cold/flu season. 

Both Astragalus and VS-C TCM are Nature Sunshine products.  For ordering information please click here.  

Please give us a call at 615-656-3558 if you have any questions or want to schedule a visit.  If you believe that many of your symptoms started after having mono years ago I would start on the above protocol from the beginning and see how you feel after a month.