Sunday, September 27, 2015

Take Note: Anyone with Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibriods

Anyone with endometriosis, PCOS and really any female issue- take note.  This may seem like a strange topic but I believe it is a very important one that many women do not think about… tampons.  

The popular brands out there use chlorine and bleached cotton (that has pesticides on it)- which may not seem like a big deal however if you were to swallow anything that was bleached you would think twice about it.  Now most people don’t think twice about putting in a tampon with bleached cotton that has been treated with pesticides.  There are so so many cases of fibroids, endometriosis, PCOS, etc. and I can’t help but think they are aggravated by putting this nasty toxin right where many of the issues lie.  If you put a chemical in a place long enough it will likely irritate (or I believe cause more issues) the surrounding tissue.  This is especially important in anyone with female concerns/issues but I really do believe ALL females should think about this. 

What can you do about it?  Get all natural tampons- ones that are not bleached.  (And yes there are people out there that say you shouldn’t use them at.  I know I should probably be more on board with that but it isn't realistic for me.)

Anyways- go to Whole Foods or any natural store and get their tampons.  I get all of mine through an online store called Thrive Market because they are cheaper and I buy them in bulk maybe 2 times per year.  It’s funny to see my husband open up the box! :)  The ones I usually buy are made by Natracare (and double check to see if they have an applicator- the 20/box does NOT and the 16/box does).  I know they cost more but I personally feel it is 100% worth it as someone who suffered with endometriosis and ovarian cysts. 

Help your body out &  go get rid of those cotton things full of chlorine, bleach and pesticides!

1 comment:

  1. I really love my diva cup - I think it works better than tampons and it's helped lower my toxicity tremendously!
