Sunday, July 28, 2013

Alternatives to Coffee

Many people (like myself...) enjoy a nice cup of coffee.  People enjoy it for many reasons such as the pick me up, the taste, the warm feeling (my personal reason), or simply something to drink besides water.  There are a couple of reasons people who are battling Candida or on the cleanse should avoid coffee.

First the caffeine spikes your blood sugar levels... and sugar is what feeds candida.  Secondly caffeine suppresses your immune system because its effect on the adrenal glands.  People who enjoy coffee because that quick pick me up is due to the fact that you are giving your adrenal glands (that sit on top of your kidneys like little top hats) a quick fix.  This quick hit makes the adrenal glands produce adrenaline which gives you energy for a period of time.  After doing this over and over the adrenal glands become more and more tired and you rely heavily on caffeine to have energy.  You will notice that when you support the adrenal glands and get them healthy you won't need or crave coffee like you did before. 

I know this from experience... In school I drank coffee a lot to stay awake.  My adrenal glands were completely shot because of all of the stress especially towards the end.  I couldn't stay awake with out it which was even more noticeable during finals.  My adrenal glands needed the fix of caffeine to stay awake but after doing this over and over it started compromising their function... I began to get symptoms of afternoon fatigue, feeling completely drained, feeling overwhelmed at things that truly weren't that big of a deal, emotional, blood sugar issues, lightheaded when standing up, and just plain tired all of the time.  Now that I have really focused on supporting my adrenal glands naturally with minerals and other supplements I now no longer need coffee to survive!  Yay!  If I drink one cup now I get really shaky... however I do love the taste.  So I will occasionally mix a 1/4 cup (of organic coffee) with almond milk for the flavor.

Long story above but hopefully you get the point if you are craving coffee for the boost... your adrenals are tired.  So with Candida Clear and other natural support they will start to get stronger!  I promise!  Now for the alternatives for coffee :) (And the point of my whole spiel...)

For you coffee drinkers out there who enjoy it because of...

The Pick Me Up!
-Get your adrenal glands supported with good nutrition, minerals, and supplementation.  Also green tea has a little caffeine in it and AMAZING for the body!  You can't over do green tea so drink as much as you want. 

The Taste and Warm Feeling! (Coffee with Creamer Type of People)
-Brew tea in almond milk! I have been doing this pretty much every day now. This satisfies the warm fuzzy feeling coffee gives me. I like tea in water alright but it just doesn't do it in the morning for me. Add xylitol in it for sweetener... Delicious! And for those not on Candida Clear try honey.

The Taste of a Black Cup of Coffee
-For you brave souls out there who like a black cup of coffee try decaf.  Its not the best option on Candida Clear but better to do it a couple times a week instead of regular coffee if you just can't manage without.  Its best not to do it at all and switch to tea... Sorry!  I know I catch a lot of grief and looks from patients when I say this... but its the truth.

Once you get your body healthy you will start to notice the changes like me where you can only have half a cup of coffee before getting shaky.   It is a strange feeling going from multiple cups to 1/2 cup if that!  So try the above options and if you have a small cup every week its not the end of the world but when you rely on it... that's another story.  Hopefully this will give you some insight on coffee and some other options to try!

Its a long story to basically say I really love brewing tea in almond milk :) Try it!

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