Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cheap Chemical Free Face Wash!

Some of you may have heard of Bronner's Magic Soap or seen in it in the store but have no idea what to do with it... that used to be me too!  It is a castile soap which is made of natural oils and essential oils.  They make all different kinds ranging from peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, citrus, unscented, etc... On the bottle is says it has 18 different uses (not sure what they all are) however I know it works great for face wash! It leaves my face feeling very clean and like there is no left over residue.  It lasts forever and you don't need to use very much at all.  I use a small squirt bottle and fill it half way up with the liquid Bronner's and half up with water.  I just need one pump for my face so my mixture lasts forever!  It lather's up great and makes my face feel so clean.  Its great for people with normal to oily skin but may not be the best for those with dry skin on their face.  I hope you all love this as much as I do. 

This is a description of what it is on Bronner's website....  'Unlike any you’ve ever used. A combination of organic extra virgin coconut, olive, jojoba and hemp oils, together with pure essential oils, creates a unique soap that cleans effectively without being aggressive and produces a velvety-lather that leaves the skin silky-smooth and refreshed.'

You can also use it as body wash but they make a soap bar that is more convenient to use.  It can also be used as household cleaner... I put 1/2 of it in an old spray bottle with water and clean my kitchen and counters with it.  For dirtier jobs I use it full strength to clean.  It smells so good, works great, and there is no more need for nasty chemical cleaners!

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