Saturday, June 8, 2013

June... a great time to do a Cleanse!

June has quickly approached us... I am not sure where the first half of the year went?!?  Doing a full body cleanse is a great idea to do at least 2 times a year.  It gives your body a fresh cleaning and helps you to get rid of the "gunk" that bogs it down over time through our environment and diet.  Clean Start by Nature Sunshine is an amazing cleanse..  Hands down it is my favorite.  Its very simple to do, doesn't have a bad taste, and I feel great while doing it.  I always feel so much better by day 3 or 4.. increased energy, clearer thinking, better bowel movements, etc.  It cleans out all the filters in your body which people never think to do... we clean out the air filters in our cars and house however people never think to do so in their body! Think how much better you would function and the sickness that could be prevented by just doing a cleaning every once in awhile.  Most people only focus on cleaning the outside of their body (which is a plus)... and rarely focus on the inside which is MUCH more important!! Take time for yourself and make it a must do!

Available in the office or online by following the online ordering instructions at  The stock number is 3993-8.  Make sure to get the Wild Berry. 

***DO NOT do cleanse if you have loose stool

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