Thursday, June 13, 2013

Trouble Loosing Weight? Try these 2 tips

A lot of people come into the practice and one of their top 5 concerns or issues typically has something to do with weight.  99% of the time a Candida issue has something to do with it as well as an underlying thyroid issue (our metabolic control center).  Once these things get taken care of people notice significant changes in their weight and energy levels as well as mental clarity.  I wanted to also give you 2 simple tips to try as well!

1) Drink a full glass of water immediately upon waking in the morning.  Set the glass of water on your nightstand and have it ready to drink right when you wake up.  This gets you hydrated right away in the morning and jump starts your metabolism. 

2) Stop eating after 6pm.  This gives your body more time to break down food instead of trying to process it during the middle of the night when your metabolism is the slowest.  If you set a time (even if it is not 6pm) and decide you are not going to eat later than that it will help keep you from wandering into the kitchen looking for snacks and mindless eating (which most people do not because they are hungry... but instead out of routine). 

Try these 2 EASY things and see how much it helps you!

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